The US has found no indication that Israel was behind the death of Hamas number two
White House Security Spokesman John Kirbycommitted to that There is no indication that Israel was behind the attack in Beirut (Lebanon) that ended the life of ‘number two’ of the Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas), Salé alArurialthough it reaffirmed the Israeli Government’s right to persecute senior Palestinian militia figures.
“I will not confirm that the Israelis carried out this airstrike. I will refer you to them to discuss their military operations. (…) Israel has the right and responsibility to continue the threat posed by Hamas, which means it has the right and the responsibility to persecute its leaders,” Kirby said during a press conference.
After being asked about US estimates of Palestinian militia casualties, the spokesman preferred not to give a figure and assured that there would be more “significant forces” present in the Gaza Strip, and insisted that military operations would not eliminate “the ideology” but “the threat.”
“We do not believe that military strikes alone can eliminate an ideology. And they cannot eliminate every single Hamas fighter. Therefore, We have to accept the fact that there may be some Hamas even after the military operation was over,” Kirby said.
“All they can do is eliminate the threat that Hamas poses to the people of Israel. And they can do it hunting its leadership, attacking its infrastructure, tracking its resources. And we have shown it to the Islamic State and Al Qaeda (…) they still exist, but they are not the type of threats they used to be,” he added.…Read more by World Nation News Desk