‘Murder in Meyersdale ―1874’ whodunit

1 year ago

MEYERSDALE ― The Meyersdale Community Players will present its 23rd Murder Mystery Dinner Theater show at the Meyersdale Volunteer Fire Hall at 6:30 p.m. Feb. 23 and 24, and at 1 p.m. Feb. 25. This year’s show is “Murder in Meyersdale –1874.”

This is a fundraiser for the Meyersdale Drama/Musical Boosters which sponsors the yearly Meyersdale Area High School musical.

Nothing much ever happens in the small town of Meyersdale, until now. While awaiting transport from the Meyersdale jail, Joseph Nicely, a notorious outlaw, ends up dead in his cell. Local residents race to the scene of the crime, each with their own motive. Help the townsfolk solve this hilarious murder before the real killer leaves town.

Cast members are: Ian Edwards (Kid Franklin Black), Aaron Thomas (Sheriff Swindell), Mae Smith (Conservative righteous citizen Mrs. Meyers), Amy McKenzie (saloon girl Florence Murth), Mike Swick (Bishop Conrad Lint), Andrew Thomas (Doctor McKinley), Connie Shankle (school teacher Miss Cook), Tom Miller (former outlaw Jerry McCarty) and Fred DiPasquale (stranger). Prompter is Rita Thomas and director is Mardi Vincent.

This show includes a roast beef dinner prepared by the Meyersdale Volunteer Fire Department. Ticket reservations can be made by calling Britta (814-634-8584) or Paula (814-693-8755).…Read more by The Daily American


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