According to CPU and motherboard sales data from a German retailer shared on X, Intel is having a difficult time attracting consumers. In week 31 of 2024, AMD reportedly led Intel in both CPU and motherboard sales by a wide margin on Mindfactory with Team Red enjoying more than 80% sales volume for both processors and mainboards.
Between the stability issues plaguing the 13th and 14th-gen Raptor Lake CPUs, worrying Q’24 financial results, and at least 15,000 layoffs on the horizon, it is safe to say that Intel is in a pretty precarious situation. Adding to this growing pile of misery, it appears consumers are quickly moving away from Intel CPUs.
According to data shared by TechEpiphany on X, sales of LGA1700-based motherboards for the 31st week of 2024 have been quite underwhelming vs AMD’s AM4 and AM5 boards on German retailer Mindfactory. Mindfactory reportedly sold only 275 LGA1700 mainboards during the past week at an Average Selling Price (ASP) of €172. The LGA1700 boards accounted for about 13% of the total motherboard sales. TechEpiphany notes that this is the “lowest Intel share in years”.
On the other hand, AMD enjoyed an 87% share in the total sales with 1,840 units sold at an ASP of €161. Out of these 1,840 units, the majority (1,310) were AM5 and the rest 530 were AM4.
While motherboard sales are a good indication of new CPUs sold, TechEpiphany has also compiled Mindfactory CPU sales for both Intel and AMD. AMD Ryzen CPUs accounted for about 89.2% of the total CPUs sold with 2,730 units in the past week at an ASP of €264.
By contrast, Intel CPUs were relegated to a distant second place with only 330 units (10.78% of total sales) at an ASP of €283.
It is important to remember that the data under discussion only represents Mindfactory and doesn’t take into account sales of other German and non-German retailers. So, Intel could be doing better (or worse) when considering the entirety of the market.
All in all, Intel’s performance in the DIY space appears quite subpar compared to AMD. Things could get even worse for Team Blue with the imminent arrival of the Ryzen 9000 CPUs which promise noticeable performance and efficiency improvements over the Ryzen 7000 at similar prices.…Read more by Fawad Murtaza