Cloud is a Global Market – Apart from China

5 months ago

RENO, Nev., Aug. 21, 2024 /PRNewswire/ — New Q2 data from Synergy Research Group shows that Amazon, Microsoft and Google are clear leaders in the worldwide cloud market, based on quarterly revenues. Their market shares were 32%, 23% and 12% respectively, while no other company could claim more than 4%. Following the three leaders, the top six ranking is completed by Alibaba, Oracle and Salesforce. Putting China to one side, the top three cloud provider ranking is the same in all major regions – the US, the rest of the APAC region, Europe, and the rest of the world. Beyond the top three the ranking in the regions does change a little, with Oracle, Salesforce, IBM and NTT typically jostling for position. However, the commonality of the top three rankings demonstrates the truly global nature of the cloud market. To be a market leader requires huge scale, deep pockets, constant technical innovation, a global brand, a worldwide network of hyperscale infrastructure, and a long-term corporate commitment and focus. That represents major barriers for anyone who wants to seriously challenge the cloud leaders. In specific countries or regions there is room for local players to compete using local expertise, local credibility and leveraging regulatory or data residency requirements, but that tends to restrict local players to targeting relatively niche opportunities. China is different. Due to geopolitical and historic factors, western cloud providers are severely restricted from competing in the Chinese market, and the market is big enough to support multiple local companies. The market is currently led by Alibaba, Tencent, China Telecom and Huawei. The top ten players are all Chinese firms.…Read more by Synergy Research Group


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