New Statewide Poll: Majority of New Yorkers Support Key Election Reforms

5 months ago

Unite NY/Citizen Data Survey Shows 53% Say New York is Heading in the Wrong Direction

25% of New Yorkers Say are Considering Leaving New York with Majority Blaming High Taxes

A new statewide poll from Unite NY of one thousand registered voters shows strong support for election reforms. Three out of four voters support term limits for Governor and the State Legislature. 72% of registered voters want Citizens Ballot Initiatives, which allows voters to bypass the state legislature and place proposed legislation directly on the ballot, empowering them to have a say on the issues they say are the most important. And despite almost no exposure to the reform Upstate, nearly half of voters statewide support implementing Ranked Choice Voting to break the partisan gridlock of the Empire State.

Support for Governor Hochul has grown since our 2023 survey (33%), but just 44% (less than a majority) of New Yorkers back the Governor. The poll also shows more than half (53%) of all New Yorkers say the state is headed in the wrong direction (82% of Republicans, 62% of Independent voters and 32% of Democrats). 25% of all New Yorkers are considering leaving the state, with 40% of registered voters from upstate thinking about moving, with 80% of those blaming high taxes. 56% of respondents say they would uproot from New York because the government is too broken and/or corrupt.

“Voters across the state continue to make it clear they are fed up with the current state of politics in New York. They want change and reform, including term limits for state lawmakers. We need the legislature to recognize this and give voters the voice they are demanding.” said Unite NY Executive Director Tim Dunn.”

Methodology: Citizen Data surveyed 1,000 New Yorker registered voters between August 6 to August 16, 2024, with a margin of error of +/-3.1%.

Unite NY is a movement focused on engaging and empowering voters on important issues of reform that will allow for more voices and more choices and ultimately, more democracy. The membership organization seeks a more fair, open, and representative democracy that results in the voice of voters being heard by evolving the electoral system so that officials put what more voters want ahead of party interests. Learn more at…Read more by


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