Oroville area church services

4 months ago

Calvary Lutheran Church: In-person worship 8:45 a.m. with children’s church. 10 Concordia Lane, Oroville. Recording at www.celcoroville.org. 530-533-5017. Visitors welcome. www.calvarylutheranoroville.org. The Gospel of Jesus proclaimed.

Christian Science: Sunday 10 a.m. up to age 20. Wednesday testimony meeting at noon, Christian Science Reading Room, 1940 Bird St. Reading Room open Monday, Wednesday 1-3 p.m. 530-533-1274.

Evangelical Free Church: 9 a.m. Service by Pastor Gregg Hensel. “On Trial Before the Jews!” Matthew 26:57-68. Visitors welcome. In-person, on YouTube (EFC Oroville). 530-533-6866, email office@evfreeoroville.com. 3785 Olive Highway. www.evfreeoroville.com.

First Congregational Church: 11 a.m. worship, Pastor Andrew McHenry preaching. Facebook Live, Zoom fccoroville.org or facebook.com/fccoroville. 1715 Bird St. 530-533-2483.

Olive Hill Missionary Baptist Church: 11 a.m. service with Pastor Johnnie Dollins. Sunday school 9:45 a.m. and BTC at 5 p.m. Wednesday night prayer service 7 p.m. 200 Executive Parkway, Oroville. olivehillmbc@yahoo.com. 530-740-3353.

Oroville Church of the Nazarene: Worship 10 a.m. in-person or online at OroNaz.org. Adult Sunday School classes 9 a.m. 2238 Monte Vista Ave. in Oroville. 530-533-7464, info@oronaz.org.

Oroville United Methodist Church: 8:30 a.m. Hmong Service. 9 a.m. children’s church. 10:15 a.m. Hmong Adult and Youth Sunday school. English service 10:30 a.m. Coffee, refreshments following service. facebook.com/orofumc or YouTube. 45 Acacia Ave.

Pursuit Christian Church: In-person service at 10 a.m. 2295 Foothill Blvd. Facebook at Pursuit Christian Church Oroville. Sunday school 9 a.m. Ladies bible study 9:30 a.m. Tuesdays. Coffee, donuts available. pursuitchristianchurch.org, 530-533-4786.

St. Thomas the Apostle Catholic Parish: Fourth week of Advent. 5:30 p.m. Saturday Mass in English, 7 p.m. in Spanish. Sunday 8:15 a.m., 10:30 a.m. and 12:30 p.m. Challenge and Daily Mass Tuesday-Friday at 8:30 a.m. 1330 Bird St. 530-533-0262, orovillecatholic.org.

St. Paul’s Episcopal Church: In-person Sundays at 10 a.m. Facebook Live for those unable to attend in-person. Facebook at St. Paul’s Episcopal Church of Oroville. 1430 Pine St. 530-533-5035.

Trinity Presbyterian Church: 9:30 a.m. Pastor Andrew McHenry. “A Healthy Faith is the Best Antidote to a Bad Religion.” Titus. 1:10-16. 2350 Foothill Blvd. www.trinityoroville.com, 530-534-0354.

The deadline for church briefs and services is noon Wednesday prior to publication. Email items to religion@orovillemr.com.…Read more by Oroville Mercury-Register


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