Veterinary Pharmaceuticals: Developing innovative drugs and treatments

1 month ago

Veterinary pharmaceuticals are a special field and focused on the development and use of drugs and treatments for ensuring animal health, welfare and productivity for domestic, livestock and wildlife populations. Innovation in veterinary medicine has grown dramatically with increasing demand for safe and effective animal therapies — just as has been the case in the field of human healthcare. As species specific differences in physiology, metabolism, and disease profiles drive development of novel therapeutics designed to address each animal’s unique needs, this sector demands particular attention.

Remediation issues related to the diversity of species treated, regulatory complexity and the economics of veterinary care all combine to make the process of creating veterinary pharmaceuticals unique. Unlike human medicine, the market for veterinary drugs is smaller, and so such drugs may be less commercially viable than drugs with a large market.
• Species-Specific Drugs: Drugs which account for species-specific physiological differences. For instance, when……Read more by Dr. Imran Bashir


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