Chinese Scientists Received Ominous Signal Before Deadly Gansu Earthquake

7 months ago

Chinese scientists were able to forecast the 6.2 magnitude earthquake in Gansu, but they couldn’t predict the location. Over 120 people have died since the earthquake struck with the epicentre in Jishishan. Although earthquakes cannot be predicted, researchers in Shaanxi province have successfully forecasted every earthquake with a magnitude of 7.0 or more in the past 10 years. They use high-precision equipment to monitor the Earth’s gravitational field at low frequencies and look for anomalies in the gravitational waves as a sign of an imminent earthquake.

China earthquake: Scientists got this ominous signal but didn’t know…

The researchers were able to forecast the earthquake, but they couldn’t predict its location. They received a text alert about abnormal data readings from multiple sensors, which indicated that an earthquake was imminent. The China Earthquake Early Warning Network sent early warning signals within seconds of the earthquake hitting areas around the Gansu quake’s epicentre.

Researchers in Shaanxi province have developed a technique to successfully forecast earthquakes with a magnitude of 7.0 or more. They use high-precision equipment to monitor the Earth’s gravitational field at low frequencies and look for anomalies in the gravitational waves as a sign of an imminent earthquake.…Read more by Genevieve St. Clair


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