Letters: Charleston’s ties to Mount Vernon grow

7 months ago

I give enthusiastic applause for the three Charleston-trained carpenters, Brad Collins, Steven Fancsali and Joseph Zemp, who are helping preserve Mount Vernon.

The three trained at Charleston’s American College of the Building Arts.

The Mount Vernon Ladies’ Association of the Union, the nonprofit that owns and operates George Washington’s home without any government funding, was founded by South Carolinian Ann Pamela Cunningham in 1853.

Practically an invalid from an equestrian accident as a teenager, Ms. Cunningham traveled across the country organizing and raising funds.

Her permanently damaged back and spine forced her to travel by wheelchair or on a cot.

Mount Vernon is more than a home. Its visitors center is an incredible educational facility that shares and explains the principles and values of our first president and his generation.

Charleston and Mount Vernon are 520 miles apart.

It is a short trip to better understand the man who was proclaimed as “first in war, first in peace and first in the hearts of his countrymen.”

Everyone should visit it at least once. I make the pilgrimage annually.

I would like to see a detailed invoice from SLED Chief Mark Keel that lists all the things he does to justify his $267,000 salary on top of his $170,000 pension.

It is the little things in life that drive me crazy.…Read more by From Our Post and Courier Readers


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